Bowlway Can’t Hold Lead as Elgin Lanes Reclaims X-Town Title

After week one’s high and lows, it almost appeared the second week of X-Town competition was going to generate the same results. But fortunately for Elgin Lanes that did not happen as they claimed their second Elgin X-Town Classic title in three years. Bowlway left Elgin Lanes leading by a small margin, but that was quickly wiped out, and left both teams scrambling to gain the advantage, which Elgin Lanes safely secured in the last game between the two teams, taking a 120 pin lead to victory.

Elgin takes title. From left: Keith Davis, Brian Kummet, Steve Mundt, John Mundt, Drew Perly and Lex Perly.
Photo by Bruce Shipyor.
It’s safe to say that the last two years of competition have generated some of the most exciting matches ever played in the history of the Elgin X-Town Classic. While the early years of the tournament were primarily about resurrecting the idea of scratch match-play bowling, the tournament has now grown into something much more mature, where both teams have shaken off most of the nerves that come with performing in front of a live audience, and they just want to win. There is respect between both teams, but also a serious competitiveness. The bowling has gotten better as well and that has attracted larger crowds of people to both bowling centers.

Coming into the second week, Bowlway was leading ahead 5-2 in points and a narrow 86-pin lead. To win the tournament, Bowlway had to win two games or win one game and end the series with the higher pin total – both of which are difficult tasks under these kind of conditions.

During game one at Bowlway Lanes, the Elgin squad once again wasted little time getting started. They quickly began stringing strikes and pulled away from Bowlway in a convincing display. Led by Keith Davis (256), Steve Mundt (245), and Brian Kummet (226), Elgin Lanes won big 1,118-1,028 over Bowlway, led by Sean Hargadon (227), Dan Martin (226) and JJ Meyer (218). At this point, Elgin Lanes was still trailing 5-4 in points, but were ahead by 4 in total pin count.

Game two saw the lanes begin to change, and once again, Bowlway took advantage by filling frames with strikes and critical spares, while Elgin Lanes had some crucial misses down the stretch. Led by Dan Martin (234), Daryl Ruck Jr. (221) and Sean Hargadon (203), Bowlway held on to a narrow victory 985-974 over Elgin Lanes, led by Keith Davis (206) and Steve Mundt (200). This helped Bowlway extend its lead to 7-4 in points and reclaim a small 7pin lead.
With everything hinging on the last game, Bowlway would essentially need to win to retain the title. While both teams played cat and mouse for the first seven frames, gaining and giving up the lead, Elgin Lanes began to string strikes and start pulling away. Led once again by the bottom three of their lineup: Drew Perly (229), Brian Kummet (235) and Keith Davis (237) sealed the game with a commanding 1,054-927 victory over Bowlway. This win brought Elgin within 7-7 in points, leaving the total pin tie-breaker to determine the final outcome. Fortunately, Elgin Lanes finished the day ahead and the whole tournament with a 120 pin lead, earning them their second Mayor’s Cup in three years.


Team Elgin         1118    974     1054     = 3,146
Team Bowlway    1028    985    927      = 2,940

Team Elgin:  led by Keith Davis with a 699 series, Drew Perly (640), Brian Kummet (636), Steve Mundt (604) and John Mundt (567). The team finished with 3,146 total pins for a team average of 209.7. The total pins for two weeks was 6,210 for a 207 team average.

Team Bowlway: led by Dan Martin with a 650 series, Sean Hargadon (612), Daryl Rucki Jr. (597), Mike Grocke (550) and JJ Meyer (531). The team finished with 2,940 total pins for a team average of 196. The total pins for two weeks was 6,090 for a 203 team average.

Game one: Team Bowlway leads Team Elgin 5-4 in points.
Game two: Team Bowlway leads Team Elgin 7-4.
Game three: Team Bowlway leads Team Elgin 7-6.
Series totals: Team Bowlway is tied with Team Elgin 7-7.

Team Elgin leads in total pins by 120. Elgin Lanes wins Elgin Cross-Town Classic VI.